Duits Bondsdaglid verduidelijkt criteria Artikel-2-fonds
Per email ontving het VBV onderstaande brief van Salvador Becker, politiek medewerker van Maik Reichel, Bondsdagafgevaardigde. De heer Reichel is een van de Duitse politici met wie het VBV regelmatig contact heeft ondermeer inzake het Artikel-2-fonds. De inhoud van deze brief neemt eventuele onduidelijkheden weg. Zie verder ook de gezamenlijke advertentie in het NIW.
Dear Ms Neter,
Several hours ago, we received a letter from the Federal Ministry of Finance. I am very happy to inform you, that the negotiations between the JCC an the Min-istry in the beginning of June led to a very successful result. It is said, that every survivor of the holocaust, who was imprisoned in a camp or a ghetto or lost a family member and was a citizen of a western-European state, and who received a payment from the German Government in the past (such as "CADSU II"), can from now on apply for additional payments from the Article 2-Funds of the JCC." The only criteria is indigence on the one side and official recognition as a victim of persecution on the other.
I hope, that you will find that solution appropriate! If you have further questions, please don?t hesitate to contact us. Please let me also know, if you still wish to come to Berlin in that case.
With kindest regards on behalf of Mr. Reichel
Salvador e. Becker